Planet Ward!
The Urge changes
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Todd at Highland Ward! MIKE: "The original 5 piece lineup didn't sit well for some reason so Ward! and John had long talks about what to do. It was decided that Ron? would be gone and Todd would stay. Ward! was extremely worried about how to break the bad news to Ron? but as it turned out, Ron? took it with his usual class and cool."

WARD!: "We were playing anything we could get, for free many times, or for beer. We also were practicing 3 or 4 times a week. Writing original stuff and learning to play all our favorite songs from The Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Doors, etc...But as is true with all bands, real life reared it's ugly head and made us have to pay attention to non-musical needs. After several months of this routine Ron? began showing up late for practices or sometimes not even come, it seems he had other more pressing matters to attend to. I remember conversations about how he felt he didn't need so much band practice and he would be able to lead, just give him the key of the song. Which in retrospect, nearly 20 years later, is probably true."

TODD: "Now, Ron? was asked to leave after we were playing with Doug, mainly because he didn't show up to practice in a punctual manner - or at all. I remember that Ward! felt we'd never get any better if we didn't practice together; Doug, John, and I agreed.... You are completely right about Ron? taking it rather well."

WARD!: "I actually believed 'The Urge' was going to be something big. I was convinced we needed to all give it 100% or it would fail."

URGE circa 1984 MIKE: "I do know Ward! went to the pay phone across the street at the Waking Owl to make the call. He came back very down saying he felt shitty and it was the worst call he'd ever had to make. Funny thing, Ron? is still around, it didn't seem to permanently frost him. And THAT is why Ron? is my personal philosopher idol."

WARD!: "Interesting to note, after the end of the Urge-Spacedogs odyssey I ended up making another band with Ron? based in Taipei, Taiwan, 'The Shadow Teachers'. I have also remained in touch with him over the years. In fact, he just stayed in my house in Seattle this week."

collegiate article TODD: "Anyway, us neanderthal cavemen stayed at the cave for a few months, until John, Mike and I moved into the 'Gash Castle'. I remember there were quite a few beer cans in the basement when we moved from the Cave. I always liked the cave...."

WARD!: "The beer cans were knee-deep for a long ways down in that windowless basement. I almost felt bad leaving them there..."

Doug With Snare WARD!: "I was goin nuts living in the cave with all that energy. We had maybe seven guys who 'lived there' and many rotating 'guests' crashing willy-nilly in what ever room was convenient. Ron? lived in the room behind the kitchen adjoining the alley with it's own door to the outside. Secret rendevous were often arranged ["I Slept With The Back Door Open"]. When, for whatever reason it was, we were to move out I had decided snobbishly that I wanted to live in my own place away from the band. That's when I moved in with PB over on Wall Street behind the State Capitol bldg. It was at Wall Street that John and I began recording 'The Adventure'."

WARD!: "What about 'the Urge to throw up'? We had hung some 1/4 sheet flyers up in the head shop in the basement of the Blue Mouse down on 1st South and when we went back a day or two later we discovered someone had penned in "To Throw Up" after our band name. I still think that's hilarious. What was that gig?"

The Strut Poster MIKE: "The Strut.. wasn't that with the funky mirrors on the walls? It was going to be the epic show that would launch SLC as the next Seattle (5 years before Seattle WAS Seattle); the show that would launch the Urge to international fame and fortune. And then it snowed like a Norwegian January. If it had been a nice day, we would have pulled in thousands! I swear!"

Darrin Newland TODD: "At some point, Ward! got a wild hair up his ass, and decided the band needed to go to Europe. John and I agreed, and that was the end of ever so skilled but still in High School, Doug. Enter the creative Darrin."

DARRIN: "Let's see where to start. i remember 'trying out' for the urge-if that's what you caLLed it. we did our 1st practice together in john's basement in his parents' home. we were gearing up for the battLe of the bands show @ "maximums(sp?)." the practice went weLL  & i added the new ending to a "change is coming". i was excited that we cLicked right off,so i thought!?! the show came & went. we had won the show in our minds. we were toLd, "it is how weLL the crowd participates..." we had peopLe dancing from Left to right. we watched on as the other bands performed & no one eLse had the crowd going Like we did! from that point forward i knew i had a seat as their new drummer."

Europe Pin DARRIN: "i was very impressed w/ the merchandise we had:posters, pins, buttons, tapes pictures of the band,etc... & equipment. most importantLy, "taLent!!!"

DARRIN: "setting in the back drumming-i often Looked out @ these 3 guys & wondered what we Looked Like to the crowds. before the music started i saw "cheap trick." then the music wouLd start & i saw jim morrison. then i wouLd hear keith richards on guitar. the bass had the fLavor of john Entwistle. my personaL goaL was to do a Lick/fiLL Like stew copeLand. bottom Line, "WE WANTED IT BADLY!!!""

MIKE: "The Germany trip was based on John's trip to Europe, he was quite fired-up about going over."

WARD!: "But we were nearly broke. With little cash reserves I proposed one possible solution. We would all become human guinea-pigs. I had made money by being a test subject for Abbot Pharmeceutical Company up at the University of Utah Medical Center. A young man (no tests on females at that time) could get into a drug study after passing a basic physical. If you made it into the study you would have to stay in the hospital for 2-6 weeks depending on the study. They would dose you with a new drug. Something the company had already tested on animals and wanted to test on humans to get to the FDA approval stage. The drugs I had done in the past were all antibiotics, I believe. Anyway it was great and hellish all at the same time. You didn't have to do anything except lie in bed and watch TV for 23 hours a day. The other hour was nightmarish in it's pain and agony. You see after dosing you up the lab workers would need to take blood samples. Many many blood samples. I believe I have had almost 500 blood draws from the veins in my arms. And in exchange for all this a subject would get $1,500 to $5,000 for their bravery. However it was not to be."

MIKE: "As I recall, we had one high blood pressure, two abnormal kidney functions and a bizarre brain wave that kept us out. Woulda, coulda, shoulda... I got a passport for that trip, it has since expired and I have not renewed."

Todd Pin TODD: "Unfortunatley (or perhaps fortunately) Abbot Labs rejected most of us, the $$ never materialized, and we decided to move to Detriot instead...."

MIKE: "All that energy looking to bust out of SLC, too broke to go to Europe and star in the weekly TV showcase that John assured us was our destiny."

WARD!: "We discussed various cities in which we could develop our careers. L.A. was one choice but we nixed it because they were about to get the Olympics and for some reason we thought it would make it very difficult for us to go there at that time. We might have discussed New York or Chicago as well. But in the end we decided to go to Detroit. After all it was MoTown and we thought of ourselves as an R&B-based band. That and the fact that we would have a free place to stay in Mike's parent's house. And as an added bonus we would even have day jobs to help pay for this by working as caterers."

TODD: "Todd: Remember eating 'Mikey's Meat'? Sounds less than appetizing or x-rated doesn't it? It's Mike's culinary masterpiece consisting of: peanuts, hamburger, tomato paste, and S&P. He may come from a long line of caterers, but you'd never know it! Not bad for staving off starvation, but I'd hate to live on the stuff..."

MIKE: "My family was involved in the catering business back then, they had jobs aplenty and a big basement. I think the fact that I had been neglecting my contact with them for years paved the way. 'We get to see our son a lot, a few other people crash in the basement for a few months. Sounds Good.' My parents were driven to distraction that summer, they maybe got a little more than they bargained for."

TODD: "I remember winning the UofU Battle of the Bands spring of 1984, before we moved."

WARD!: "I believe the battle of the Bands at the U of U paid first place $600. We played for about 45 minutes. When divided up between us I figured we were each earning a career high of $3.25 per minute!"

Star Craving Mad TODD: "I also remember the ceiling fell in at the Gash Castle the day we moved...."

MIKE: "Does anyone recall the gymnastics upstairs? Constant thumping."

WARD!: "Wasn't the leak from the Primal Scream gig they had upstairs?"

TODD: "Nice story, but completely not true. The roof had been leaking for weeks, and the landlord was not getting around to fixing it. It leaked into our kitchen; I engineered a plastic sheet with a drip string to catch it in a bucket.... Actually, sometimes, when something got FU'd it wasn't always BGB or DKH's fault.... it is still a big universe - at least for now..."

MIKE: "The leak story is even better than that. We put a bucket under it, but it was too big. We put a trash can under it but then it spread over a larger area. The engineer designed and built the wide-area-water-collecting device but the drip was too loud and he couldn't sleep. The drip line was added and we had a solution."

TODD: "Trip to Zion, 'Dr. Von Erickson I presume', yes BGB and DKH, I still have that fossilzed shell......"
